HomeEnglishBags all packed for Kelvin and Valerie this Christmas for delayed honeymoon

Bags all packed for Kelvin and Valerie this Christmas for delayed honeymoon

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KOTA KINABALU: All their bags are packed and they are ready to go.

And although they are not taking the jet plane, Kelvin Shau Yek Fui and wife Valerie Tseu have another reason to be happy being away from home this Christmas.

When the couple tied the knot in June 2019, they planned a romantic getaway. But, unfortunately, Covid 19 happened.

An inbound guide focusing on Chinese tourists, Kelvin, 26, said life was challenging during the pandemic, especially in his line of work with all doors closed for travellers.

Fast forward four years and two children later, and with Covid-19 having now been declared as endemic, the Kelvins decided to take out their passports to good use.

“I’d consider this as a delayed honeymoon, but most of all, this is my way of showing appreciation towards my wife who has been taking good care of us all these while,“ he told Sabah Media when met at one of the shopping malls here.

Both Kelvin and Valerie, a 25-year-old freelance manicurist, are expected to fly for Taiwan on Christmas day, leaving their sons, four-year-old Elon and nine-months-old Eson, at the good hands of their grandmother.

“I’m really excited about finally having some quality time with my wife, just the two of us, without the children. It is a chance for us to rest and rejuvenate while we travel.

“We picked this festivity to travel because Christmas is usually less busy for us. It feels like the perfect opportunity to travel with my wife.

“My wife and I revived the plan (to travel) this year. She has been helping me and has been very much occupied after the birth of our second son.

“So I bought tickets to travel during Christmas and spend New Year abroad. Taking care of both children at once is tough, and since we want Eson to get the attention he needs during his first few months, we decided to delay the plan slightly later. It feels right to focus on our family before embarking on any travels, “

He said although the regulations on Covid-19 has been relaxed of late, both Kelvin and Valerie are not taking any chances and took extra precaution when abroad.

“I noticed that many people are beginning to travel abroad as well. We are almost back to normal. Even shopping complexes are packed,” he said.

In a survey at shopping complexes, public, regardless of their age and religion, were taking advantage of the discounts offered by most outlets.

Among them were Maria Aloi, 53, and husband, Acong Limbakut, 62, who travelled from Ranau to be with their children, now residing here.

The couple, who took the advantage to do their Christmas shopping in the city, disclosed that it will be a simple celebration this year.

“Since the fund is a bit tight, so this year’s Christmas will be celebrated moderately. But that is secondary, because, what’s more important is that we are all together,” said Maria, adding they will be heading home to Kampung Kemburongoh together for the festivity.


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